Latin: Latin Texts Online


Corpus Scriptorum Latinorum  a digital library of Latin literature, spanning from the earliest epigraphic remains to the Neo-Latinists of the eighteenth century

Latin Vulgate - Text of the Latin Vulgate Bible with Douay-Rheims and King James translations side-by-side

The Latin Library - A collection of Latin texts: classical, Christian, medieval, and modern

Perseus Digital Library - Digitized texts covering the history, literature and culture of the Greco-Roman world; Latin texts and English translations available

CAMENA - Latin texts of Early Modern Europe provided by the University of Mannheim


Classical Language Instruction Project, Princeton University - Provides texts and audio files of major Greek and Latin prose and poetry read by various scholars

Society for the Oral Reading of Greek and Latin Literature (SORGLL) - Oral readings of classical Greek and Latin texts

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