HIMT: Health Information Management: Getting Started

Resources for students in CSCC's HIMT program, with special emphasis on the legal assignment for HIMT 1133.

Professional Organizations

Professional Journals

For Job-seekers and Alumni

Welcome to the HIMT LibGuide!

On these pages you will find links to resources such as professional organizations and HIMT-specific job-search help, academic journals relating directly to Health Information Management, resources to help you research the intersection of Health Information Management and the state/federal law, and information about the CS Library, its collections, and its services.

Library Resources

Medical Records and the Law
Medical Records and the Law
344.73041 M4895
Library, 3rd Floor

Health Source: Consumer
Electronic Database
Articles on general health topics

Health Information Management

651.504261 H4345
Library, 3rd Floor

Business Source Complete
Electronic Database
Articles from trade publications

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