Government Resources: Analysis & Criticism

Find valuable research and statistical information available within government web sites

U.S. Government Accountability Offices (GAO)

U.S. Government Accountability Office (GAO) - is an independent, non-partisan agency that works for Congress. Often called the "congressional watchdog," GAO investigates how the federal government spends taxpayer dollars. 

Check out the Key Issues link and search by topics or by Agencies.

Congressional Committee Hearings

Search by Congressional committees.

Do a Google search and try using these search terms:, hearing, and your topic of interest.

Government Resources That Analyze and Critique Government Activities

Often, federal government agency websites don't have a lot of analysis nor do they have criticism.  They tend to overlook criticism and support or promote current programs and whoever is in office.  Where can you go to find government resources that offer analysis? This page suggests a few resources.

Congressional Research Services (CRS) Reports

Congressional Research Service Reports - CRS - a branch of the Library of Congress - CRS reports are short, unbiased, and made by this service for Congress but generally not available to the public.  "Cliff Notes for Congressman" Reports run 12-30 pages.  

Some reports may be available through you Congressional Representatives or from specific Congressional committees. 

Areas of Research covered in these CRS reports.

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