ENGL 2270: Introduction to Folklore: Getting Started

What's in This Guide

This guide will connect you to books, articles and journals from research databases, websites, blogs, and other multimedia relating to folklore and culture. 

According to the Oxford English Dictionary Online, folklore is defined as "the traditional beliefs, legends, and customs, current among the common people; the study of these" 

Each culture and community has their own folklore traditions- African American, Polish, Italian, Medieval, Native American, Chicano, Asian American, and many more. These cultures and communities have their own stories to tell and ways to share them. While there will be overlapping stories, themes, ideas, and patterns- no two will be exactly the same. Folklore is not limited to just the written or spoken word, it can also be a physical object- like a ribbon color or a quilt. 

American Folklore Map

"This 1946 map, made by William Gropper, shows all of America's most famous folklore and myths in one gorgeous image. It's not comprehensive, but it's still a fascinating look at the myths that made America, highlighting real people who reached folkloric status as well as those who were invented in stories and song." - Vox.com

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