ENGL 2367: Fairy Tales: Find Fairy Tales

Find primary and secondary sources on fairy tales.

Finding Fairy Tales

Click on the links below to connect to primary sources online or in print.

SearchOhio (Public Libraries) Catalog Search

SearchOhio Catalog

Use this tool to locate books at SearchOhio Libraries, and to request their delivery to the Columbus State Community College library.


Example Searches

Use keyword and subject searches to find primary texts in the library catalog.

Here are some subject headings you might want to try for more relevant results:

  • Fairy tales
  • Fairy tales -- Adaptations
  • Fairy tales -- Film adaptations
  • Fairy tales -- France (or other countries of origin: Germany, China, United States, etc.) 


Still can't find what you're looking for? Try OhioLINK. Use your name and Cougar ID to request items be delivered to the CState downtown Library or the Delaware Campus Learning Center.


Fairy Tale Classification

Puss in Bootts
"Puss in Books" image by Gustave Doré (Wikimedia Commons)

You may come across the Aarne-Thompson (AT) Classification System, which groups tales together by theme. Use this system to identify tales with the same theme when searching for primary sources.

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