In Factiva, you will be searching by industry name.
Once you are logged in to the Factiva homepage:
- Hover your cursor over "Companies/Markets" in the top horizontal navigation bar and select “Industry” from the drop down menu.
- Click on your industry’s name from the alphabetical list provided.
- Once your industry snapshot page loads, scroll to the bottom of the page to see industry ratios.
If you opt to search by company, rather than industry:
- Hover your cursor over "Companies/Markets" in the top horizontal navigation bar and select “Company” from the drop down menu.
- Search by company name or ticker symbol.
- Click on your company's name from the search results list.
- Once the Company Snapshot page loads, click on "Financial Results" in the left navigation bar.
- Select "Key Ratios" from the "Statement Type" dropdown box in the middle of the screen and click "Go."
- Data is presented in table format.