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 Library Help

How to Cite Sources

Use these Columbus State Library guides to learn how to format your citations for books, articles, websites, and other sources you use.

Citing Sources

Type Description MLA APA




Find detailed

information and 

examples of 

sources cited.

MLA Citations Guide APA 7 Citations Guide





Find citation

examples for a 

Works Cited


Citing Sources - MLA Style Citing Sources - APA 7 Style





Find examples of

sources cited

within the text.

In-Text Citations - MLA Style In-Text Citations - APA 7 Style

Reference Assistance

Reference librarians are committed to assisting you with the following:

Locating appropriate resources

Developing research skills

Providing citation guidance

Assisting with library technology

Reference librarians are on duty in person and virtually during all hours the library is open. Drop in to our Columbus and/or Delaware locations, contact us on chat, call (614-287-2460), or email You can also book appointments via Starfish!

The Database Doesn't Have Full Text for My Article. Now What?

During your search, you may encounter times when the full text (PDF or HTML) of an article is not available in the database.  Follow these steps to see how you may locate an electronic or print version of your article:

  1. If PDF and HTML full text are unavailable, click Full Text Finderin certain databases to locate print copies in Columbus State's library or electronic copies in another database, such as the Electronic Journal Center.
  2. If you know the name of the journal in which the article appears, search the eResource Lookup to see if the journal is available online in one of the research databases.
  3. If the article is not available at Columbus State's library or electronically through the research databases, search the OhioLINK catalog for print holdings at nearby college or university libraries. 

Online Library Hours

Virtual Librarian Chat

Monday - Thurs: 7:30am – 9:00pm

Friday: 7:30am – 5:00pm

Saturday & Sunday: Closed

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