ECDE 2016: Health, Safety and Nutrition - Christine Creagh: Books and eBooks

ECDE 2016: Health, Safety and Nutrition

Library Books

Reference books like Encyclopedia of Education and World Education Encyclopedia provide an overview of a topic and can therefore be good choices for preliminary research. For more in-depth information, take a look at some of the titles in the library's eBook collection, several of which are mentioned on this page.  The library also has a print collection, but because information changes all the time, some of the titles may not contain the most current information.  For even more up-to-date sources, try searching our research databases for articles in periodicals (journals, magazines, newspapers).


Need Help Searching?

Refer to the following Library Quick Guide for help on searching the library catalog and locating materials:

Subject Terms

Below is a partial list of subject headings related to early childhood education; try doing a subject search in the library catalog using one or more of them:

Child Development

Classroom Management

Early Childhood Education

Education, Preschool

Education, Primary

Educational Psychology



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