Early Childhood Development: Getting Started

Using This Guide

This guide was developed to help you find library resources and websites in the field of Early Childhood Development. Clicking on the tabs above, or links below, will lead you to resources suggested by librarians and the faculty in Early Childhood Development. 

Databases and Journals





Additional Help


ECDE at Columbus State

For more information about the Early Childhood Development program at Columbus State, check out the Early Childhood Development Department homepage. 


The Wonder School

The Early Childhood Development and Education program at Columbus State has collaborated with the Columbus Museum of Art and the Childhood League Center to create a lab school for preschool age children. This unique school, called the Wonder School, fosters curiosity and discovery in an arts-rich, child-centered, responsive learning ecosystem for young children and the next generation of early childhood educators. The Wonder School is for children 3-5 years of age and meets three mornings a week at the Childhood League Center (located at Fort Hayes campus) and one day a week at the Columbus Museum of Art.

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