College Credit Plus: Student Library Resources: Library Resources

An orientation to library resources for Columbus State dual enrollment students
 ★    Access the full list of CSCC databases at    
Includes newspapers, magazines, scholarly journals, and more. 

CSCC Library Catalog

The CSCC catalog contains books, streaming video, eBooks, and more. Search the catalog by using the Easy Search function at

Chat With a Librarian


To chat with a librarian during virtual service hours, just click "Chat Now" and enter your name, your email, and your question. Library staff will be available to chat with you in real time!

Research Guides


Research Guides include a variety of credible print and online sources that can help you start your research. You can search by Subject or by guide types that include Course Guides, Research Support, and Academic Topics. Columbus State Librarians continually update and create new research guides.  Check back periodically to see what's new.

Quick Guides

Find citation guides at

( > Research Help > Quick/Tech Guides)

Use these Columbus State Library guides to learn how to format your citations for books, articles, websites, and other sources you use.

These handouts, created by CSCC librarians, may be downloaded and printed for your personal use, or simply use the online PDF.


Book-a-Librarian is a one-on-one appointment service with a Columbus State Librarian during library hours. You can access this service through the Columbus State Library homepage, look under the Contact Us box. Sessions are available by phone or through Collaborate. In-person sessions are not available at this time.

eBook search

CSCC Library offers 24/7 access to thousands of eBooks on a wide variety of academic topics. Search for eBooks from the Library homepage at For off-campus access, enter your name and Cougar ID number when prompted.

eBooks from the Library

Library Tutorials on YouTube

View tutorials on YouTube created by the CSCC Librarians to help improve your research skills.  Find tips on searching databases, creating research questions, and other useful information.

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