Arabic: Online Resources

A guide to Arabic language learning resources available at Columbus State Community College.

Online Newspapers


Arabic language news podcasts available for download on your iPod or iPhone to listen to on the go.

Word of the Day

Language Apps

Below are two free interactive language learning apps that can be set up on your smartphone or tablet.

DuolingoDuolingo for immersive language learning


MemriseMemrise to increase your vocabulary.

Mango Languages

Mango Languages

Learn Arabic at home using Mango Languages.  Mango is available through the Columbus Metropolitan Library

*Columbus Metropolitan Library card required*

Free Courses

Web Dictionaries

Lexilogos, Words and Wonders of the World

This dictionary allows users to cross use several different versions of Arabic dictionaries.  It also provides links to several other useful language learning websites. Loving Languages

One of the most popular and easy to use translation dictionaries.

Verb Conjugator

VerbixVerbix can help you with those tricky verb conjugations. 

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