ENGL 2281: African American Literature: Additional Help

This guide will highlight resources to help you conduct research on African-American authors and their works.

Need Help Citing?

It is very important to credit your sources and document them on a Works Cited page. 

Literary Research

Check out the following  Research Guide for additional information on literary research:

Academic Video Complete Channels

CLIO Notes

America: History & Life -- CLIO Notes

CLIO Notes guides you through subjects in United States by allowing you to browse through chronologies and brief summaries of significant events and themes in history. You will find a list of major time periods and events, each further divided into subtopics that display informative essays and suggestions for further research. Linked subject terms are also provided, allowing you to search the entire America: History and Life database for articles and more.

To view these notes, enter the America: History & Life database and click on "CLIO Notes" at the top of the screen:


Online Films

Zora Neale Hurston

This Guide's Author

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