APA Citations: Citation Generators

Guidelines and examples for citing research sources using APA format. Also includes information on citation generators.

What Is a Citation Generator?

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Citation generators use online forms to create a citation in various formats such as MLA, APA, Chicago, and more.The researcher types the bibliographic data into the form and the site generates a citation in the format requested.

Some citation generators display the citation on the screen, but don't save the citation. Others sites offer some citation management  services, such as saving your citations, and organizing files, folders, and citations as you perform your research.

Citation Generators in Subscription Databases

Not every database will generate a citation.  Most will provide you with the information you need to format the citation yourself. If the database you are using provides a citation, you can print it or copy the citation and paste it into a Word document. Double check any citation generator, even the ones found in databases- errors can occur.

Some will also allow you to export the bibliographic information directly into citation software such as Zotero (See the box in the right side column, "Free Online Citation Generators").


You are responsible for citing your sources accurately. Citations you find in a database may or may not be accurate. Double-check the citation using the APA Publication Manual or use examples published in this LibGuide.

Here are a few databases that provide citations:

Double-Check for Accuracy!


YOU are responsible for the accuracy of your citations. Citation Generators are convenient to use, but may not always be accurate.

Refer to the following CSCC Library Quick Guides for additional assistance with APA citations. Use these guides to double-check the accuracy of citations generated by database and online generators.

Free Online Citation Generators

There are a number of web sites that will help you format your citations in APA style. You should always double-check the results you get, as the results are good places to start but not always correct.

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