Help: Info

Helpful Resources

Research Help

Reference Librarians can help you begin your research on the 2nd floor of Columbus Hall and at the Delaware Library in Moeller Hall.

For Questions:

  • Stop by the 2nd Floor of Columbus Hall or visit Moeller Hall
  • Chat with Librarians Live during our open hours, or our chatbot in the evening and on weekends, using the chat bubble in the bottom right corner of the page
  • Email
  • Columbus: 614-287-2460
  • Delaware: 740-203-8183

Helpful Research Links

  • Research Process Guide walks you through from Picking a topic, finding sources, and citing those sources in your paper.
  • Research Subject Guides provide resources both in the library and online for all the subjects taught at Columbus State.
  • Quick Guides for Citation and Research provide short PDFs you can download for your reference.
  • Database list gives you links to all the databases you have access to for finding articles, books, videos and more.
  • Library Catalog is where you can search for books, ebooks, videos and more owned by the Columbus State Library.

Citation Style Guides

Circulation Help

Books and other materials can be checked out at Circulation desk on the first floor of the Columbus Library or Delaware Library in Moeller Hall.

For Questions

  • Visit the 1st floor of Columbus Hall or stop by Moeller Hall in Delaware
  • Email:
  • Columbus: 614-287-2464
  • Delaware: 740-203-8183

Study Rooms

Reserve a study room for up to 4 people. 

Library Card

Your Cougar ID is your library card, but you can use any photo ID to check materials out. 

Interlibrary Loan

You can request materials from other libraries with Interlibrary Loan.

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