CSCC Library's Art Collection: Aminah Brenda Lynn Robinson

information about works of art in CSCC's Library's permanent and temporary exhibits

Aminah Brenda Lynn Robinson, 1940 - 2015

Meet Aminah Robinson

Who is Aminah Robinson?

Blogs About Aminah Brenda Lynn Robinson

Starr Review is an art blog by Ann Starr.These articles were authored by Ann Starr and can be found at her web site:
under "Writing  Portfolio" and then "Essays."

Books in the Library

Find books by or about Aminah Brenda Lynn Robinson below:

Artist's Works in the Columbus State Collection

Bringing in the Catch by Aminah Robinson


Artist:  Aminah Brenda Lynn Robinson

Origin: American, 1940

Title: “Bringing in the Catch”

Description of work: Painting on cloth? Other words in work Kayer Fishin Village 1980, Goal, Senegal, African Pilgrimage: The Extended Family.  85” x 27 ½”

Date: 1980

Donor: Gift of Mrs. Ursel White Lewis

Peanut Harvest piece by Aminah Robinson


Artist: Aminah Brenda Lynn Robinson

Origin: American, born 1940

Title: “Peanut Harvest”

Description of work:  Study.  The Sapelo Series, Hog Hammock Community, rural Georgia, Savannah.  Inscribed “unwritten love letter to My Mother in Art, Ursel W. Lewis Love, Aminah.”  Drawn in crayon? Or pastel?  15” x 19 ½”

Date: 1985

Donor: Gift of Mrs. Ursel White Lewis

 Location of Isabelle Ridgeway Home

Artist: Aminah Brenda Lynn Robinson

Origin: American, 1940

Title: “First Location of the Isabelle Ridgeway Home for the Age, Founded in 1912.”

Description of work:  Painting on cloth. 44” x 40 ½”

Date: 1982

Donor: Gift of Mrs. Ursel White Lewis

life and times of Alonzo Jackson by Aminah Robinson


Artist: Aminah Brenda Lynn Robinson

Origin: American, born 1940

Title: “Life and Times of Alonzo Jackson”

Description of work:  Signed artist’s proof.  Timelessness of Life: Pages in History © 1981 Ex-Slave life and Times of Alonzo Jackson. 25” x 24”

Date: 1981

Donor: Gift of Mrs. Ursel White Lewis

Poster for Aminah Robinson with Button Necklace Art Piece on Display


Detail from Aminah in Poindexter Village poster


Artist: Aminah Brenda Lynn Robinson

Origin: American, born 1940

Title:  “Aminah in Poindexter Village”

Description of work:   Poster adverting Aminah Robinson’s exhibit at the Esther Saks Gallery in Chicago, April 6-28, 1984.  The image is of The Button Book Necklace – Fabric, buttons, and stitchery - 1981. 29” x 23”


Donor: Gift of Mrs. Ursel White Lewis

AR Passion Songs Painting


Artist: [Aminah] Brenda [Lynn] Robinson

Origin: American, born 1940

Title:  “Passion Songs”

Description of work: Pen, ink, and wash mixed media of 3 figures.  31 ½” x 40 ¾”

Date:  1972

Donor: Gift of Mrs. Ursel White Lewis

Photos of the Artist

Photograph of Aminah Brenda Lynn Robinson spinning, 1979.
Source: Kojo Kamau

Aminah Brenda Lynn Robinson

Aminah Brenda Lynn Robinson in profile
Source: Kojo Kamau

Aminah Brenda Lynn Robinson in profile

James Kirk Bernard Foundation - POBA: Aminah Brenda Lynn Robinson

Aminah Robinson's Conversation with Faith Ringold

Conversation with Aminah Robinson and Faith Ringgold

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Video Interview with Aminah Robinson

Uploaded on Nov 19, 2010

In this video interview, Ohio artist and MacArthur Prize winner Aminah Robinson talks with Toledo Museum of Art curator Amy Gilman about an illustrated episode in the Ragmud Collection, a set of books that contain sculptural pieces, drawings, poems, stories, books-within-books, extended pullouts, and cases. The entire series of the Ragmud Collection can be seen in the exhibition "Aminah Robinson: Voices That Taught Me How to Sing" through Feb. 27, 2011.


Current students can locate copies of any articles from The Columbus Dispatch using the link below or go to

Articles from newspapers, wires, magazines, and journals.  Copies of each of these articles are held in a folder at the 2nd floor Reference Desk in Columbus Hall. 

“$500,000 MacArthur Fellows Announced.” Fiberarts 31.3 (2004): 13. Art Full Text. Web. 12 Jan. 2012.

“Aminah Recognized by Art College.” Call and Post.(9 May 1991): 3D. Print.

Arenschield, Laura. "Aminah Robinson Was Powerful Advocate for Columbus." Columbus Dispatch. (24 May 2015): 1B. Columbus Dispatch. Web. 26 May 2015.  This article may also be found in NewsBank, with a different title: "Aminah Robinson / 1940-2015 - Artist Told Story of Her Family, Community."

Constable, Lesley. “Robinson’s Works Radiate Concern for People.” Columbus Dispatch. (16 June 1991): 06C. NewsBank. Web. 12 Jan. 2012.

Eckert, Kristy. "The Soulful Sage." Capital Style. (21 February 2011): n. pag. The Dispatch Printing Co. Web. 15 Jul. 2014.

Gershaft, Carole Miller. “Aminah’s World.” Art Education 62.2 (2009): 25-13. Education Research Complete. Web. 12 Jan. 2012.

Gilson, Nancy. “Aminah: Retrospective by Beloved Artist Sings Hymn to Her Hometown.” Columbus Dispatch (8 Dec. 2002): 01E. Newsbank. Web. 12 Jan. 2012.

---. “Aminah Robinson – An Artful Storyteller.” Columbus Dispatch (29 Apr. 1990): 01F. NewsBank. Web. 8 Dec. 2011.

---. "Hail to the Chief: Obama-Inspired Works by Aminah Robinson on Display." Columbus Dispatch (23 Sept. 2016): E4. Print

Glueck, Grace. “Robinson’s Take on Black Life Resonates in New York Show.” Columbus Dispatch (5 Mar. 2006): D8. Print.

---. “Visions of Africa and Ohio, in All Sorts of Materials.” New York Times (24 Feb. 2006): 39. Nexis Uni. Web 12 Jan. 2012.

Hall, Jacqueline. “A Body of Work Worth Exploring: Retrospective Visits Sculptor’s Vivid World.” Columbus Dispatch (22 Dec. 2002): 05E. NewsBank. Web. 12 Jan. 2012.

---. “Museum Showcases Columbus Artist’s Work: African Spirits Suffuse Aminah Robinson’s Art.” Columbus Dispatch (13 May 1990): 07G. NewsBank. Web. 8 Dec. 2011.

Joy, Kevin. “Black History Inspired Their Stories: Local Personalities Reflect on Past, Look to Future.” Columbus Dispatch (7 Feb. 2007): H1. NewsBank. Web. 12 Jan. 2012.

Mallett,  Kay. “Walking Slowly Through Life: The Art and Spirit of Aminah Robinson.”  Columbus Alive (10-24 Dec. 1992): 14-16. Print.

Manheim, James. "Robinson, Aminah." Contemporary Black Biography. 2005 24 May, 2016 (>.

Marantz, Sylvia and Kenneth. "Talking with Aminah Brenda Lynn Robinson." Originally appeared in Book Links, January, 2004 (vol. 13, No. 3)

Mayr, Bill. “Fabric of Community – In Cloth Creations and Elsewhere, Robinson Explores History of Blacks in Central Ohio.” Columbus Dispatch (1 Jul. 2007): 01E. NewsBank.  Web. 8 Dec. 2011.

Rhein, Jamie. "A Visit with Aminah Robinson, Artist and Macarthur Fellowship Winner." 26 February 2008: Web.

Shelby, Joyce. “Canvasing for Boro. Award-Winning Artist’s Show Celebrates B’klyn.” Daily News (New York) (5 Mar. 2006): 10. Web. 12 Jan. 2012.

Sonnenberg, Rhonda. “Aminah Brenda Lynn Robinson: Symphonic Poem.” Fiberarts 33.2 (2006): 56. Art Full Text. Web. 12 Jan. 2012.

Starker, Melissa. "Exhibit: Aminah Robinson at Hammond Harkins Gallery." Columbus Alive. (25 Apr. 2012): Web. 30 Apr. 2012.

Starr, Ann. "Genius at Work: Inside Aminah Robinson's World." Columbus Monthly (September 2005):51-52, 55-56. Find under "Writing Portfolio" and "Essays."

Stonesifer, Jene. “Every Quilt Tells a Story.” Washington Post (5 Jul. 1990): T29. Nexis Uni. Web. 12 Jan. 2012.

"‘A Way of Life’ – With Exhibits Galore, Aminah Robinson Refuses to Slow Down.” Columbus Dispatch (28 Dec. 2003): 01H. NewsBank. Web. 8 Dec. 2011.

Weeks, Linton. “’Known World’ Author Among 23 MacArthur Grant Winners.” Washington Post (28 Sep. 2004): C01. Nexis Uni. Web. 12 Jan. 2012.

Welsh-Huggins, Andrew. “Columbus Artist Masters Multiple Disciplines for Storytelling Work.” Associated Press State & Local Wire (11 Mar. 2003): n. pag. Nexis Uni. Web. 12 Jan. 2012.  (Note:  Search “Source” in Nexis Uni to locate this article.)

Yates, Christopher A. “Avenue to Past.” Columbus Dispatch (29 May 2011): E6. NewsBank. Web. 12 Jan. 2011.

---. “Prints Reveal Other Facet of Robinson.” Columbus Dispatch (30 Mar. 2008): 06E. NewsBank. Web. 12 Jan. 2012.

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