CSCC Library's Art Collection: Olga Ziemska

information about works of art in CSCC's Library's permanent and temporary exhibits


During the last weekend in July, 2012, the sculptor, Olga Ziemska, installed her sculpture, "Indra," to the front wall of Columbus Hall.  This work, funded by Ohio Percent for Art, and was selected and commissioned after a competition.

See more still photos of the installation from Olga Ziembska's blog from July, 2012:

Find out more about this sculptor at her website:

or her facebook page:

Symbols used in "Indra" and What They Represent

The interconnected symbols, which are meant to represent the college's majors and programs, are connected to the upper right corner of the building near the library's main entrance. Fifteen of the largest symbols of Indra, were directly selected by Columbus State students through a survey the artist conducted in person at the 2012 campus "Welcome Back"  event.

Educational Artwork - Video Clip of Olga Ziemska and the Installation of Her Sculpture "Indra."

Columbus State

CSTV - "Educational Artwork" - Aug. 2, 2012

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